水谷 嘉浩

水谷嘉浩 大阪府八尾市のダンボール製造メーカー「J パックス㈱」代表取締役。




“Yoshihiyo Mizutani
CEO of the cardboard manufacturer J Packs.inc in Yatsuo, Osaka. He started volunteering with the invention “card board bed” in Great East Japan Earthquake. He has been supplying 3000 cardboard beds to over 50 shelters not only in East Japan, but Typhoon affected areas. Moreover, he has been opened the blueprint to the other cardboard manufacturers around Japan to be able to assemble the cardboard bed in every shelter in Japan. For now, to decrease secondary health damage at the shelters, he works hard to expand the cardboard bed system to all around Japan that would lead involve the environment of the shelters.