2015.7.25 釣り大会&魚捌きアクティビティ

[English follows Japanese]

では、富山県民として美味しい魚を食べるために、自分一人で魚をとるところから始めよう!と思い、それが実行できますか? 富山県にいても釣り未体験という人は少なくないのでは? また、同じ様に、魚を捌いたり、魚の調理ができると自信を持って言える人はどのくらいいらっしゃるでしょうか。DSC06756-6
当日は食育にも力をいれていらっしゃる みっちぃこと石崎理絵さんにも参加いただき、地元の子供たちに釣りを教えていただきました。

Fishing and Fish-Cutting Activity
Held July 25, 2016

“Delicious fish is always accessible to all in Toyama.” — Everyone knows that. Yes, we ALL know that.

So here’s a question for you: to eat this delicious gift from the sea as Toyama residents, do you think you can start with catching fish all by yourselves?

Though Toyama is on the coast, many residents may have never tried fishing before.

Also, how many of you can confidently say that you can cut and cook fish?

Do you know how and from where delicious fish is caught and brought to your dinner table?

TEDxHimi organized an event allowing participants to experience the “fish-eating” process in its entirety and contemplate what can be learned from this opportunity. During this event, participants experienced catching, cutting, cooking, and eating fish.

We invited Ms. Rie Ishizaki, a.k.a. Micchy, a food education specialist, to this event to teach local children about fishing.