[English follows Japanese]
低所得者層並びにマイノリティーの若者らが世界的にリーダーシップを発揮していけるよう育成するプログラム“OneWorld Now!”を2002年に設立。このプログラムは、アメリカで、最も革新的な放課後事業の1つに選ばれています。
[Speaker Introduction] Kristin Hayden
We have decided on 8 speakers for TEDxHimi 2017.
We will now introduce the details of the last four speakers after the previous announcement of the first four speakers.
We will finally introduce Kristin Hayden.
The Global Change Maker who has powerful presentation skills
– Kristin Hayden –
Kristin is a visionary and leading social entrepreneur.
She has lived in Russia, Georgia, France, and the United Kingdom and has worked on projects in Brazil, Japan, China, Morocco, Jordan and Qatar. Having spent her career creating opportunities for leadership and greater global engagement among historically underprivileged groups, she has been recognized as an Ashoka fellow.
In 2002, she founded “OneWorld Now!” which was a global leadership program for low-income and minority youth. This program has been hailed as one of the most innovative after school programs in the USA.
She is currently the Chief Partnership Officer for IGNITE in San Francisco, building a national movement to inspire young women to run for political office. She is also the co-founder of “VisionVenture”, which exists to inspire, accelerate and invest in change-maker’s Visions. She has strongly influenced many people all over the world in this way.
Following her vision is her way of life. How will you achieve yours? What will you get from her ideas? It all depends on you.
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