宮沢 孝幸

宮沢孝幸 東京生まれ兵庫育ち

平成 2年に獣医師国家試験合格




Miyazawa Takayuki
Born in Tokyo and raised in Hyogo
From the University of Tokyo natural science 2 to the Department of Livestock Veterinary Medicine, University of Tokyo Faculty of Agriculture.
Passed the veterinarian national examination in 1990.
After that, he got master degree of Tokyo University to complete shortening of the term of study (This is the first case of University of Tokyo).
His research attitude is to explore life phenomena from viruses. In particular to “”consider the significance of virus existence from the whole earth life””, observing the virus not as a simple pathogen.
His research subjects are vary widely, e.g. Koalas, monkeys, cattle and cats.
He also loves the piano which he started to play at 51. The things now he wants the most is “”Behistein’s Upright Piano””.
Currently, Viral and Regenerative Medicine Science Institute · Associate Professor, Kyoto University.